Monday, March 14, 2011

No beach for Miss Evey!

So, Little Miss Evey and I will NOT be hitting up beach week with the rest of the family this year. Been doing my research, and I am overly convinced that it is entirely stupid to bring a baby that young to the beach. First of all...Sunscreen is NOT safe or recommended for a baby under the age of 6 months, not to mention the crazy amount of heat. Babies body temperatures are not easily regulated like us "big peoples"...Im not risking my baby getting heat stroke, SERIOUSLY?!?! The risk of a baby burning even under an umbrella or wearing at hat is serious, reflection from the sand is a huge culprit for no thank you. Plus I am not too keen on having my child around a bunch of drinking people, sorry but I wont play pass the baby around to all of the intoxicated no no. Also, the beach is in Florida, in Texas, My 2 month old will NOT be flying that soon. If she has an immune system at all similar to her mama, no way!!! I get sick if I SEE someone who has  a cold. Plus I wont take my little sweet pea away from Andrew for that long that soon...since you know he has to do this thing called "work"!?!? NO BEACH FOR ME! and im not exactly bummed, cant you tell?

Until Next Time,



  1. awwww booooo!!!! I was so excited to see you guys at Beach Week...

    Okay... so you are the mama & I am a FIRM believer that MAMA KNOWS BEST -- but I just wanted to share a few things... Kalia was 2 weeks old last beach week and it wasn't that bad. I too was VERY nervous about the "pass the baby" game.... but the only people to hold the baby were your mom, your sister & grandma... and needless to say... they were not intoxicated. haha. You are 100% right about the sunblock & the heat.... I bought Kalia a full body swim suit -- for babies 0-6 months -- with SPF50 built in. I would be more then happy to share with you (I think it was like $50 -- so no need to go buy your own). And you can just send it back when Miss Evey grows out of it.

    The big difference was that we live here -- so we really only went down later in the afternoon. if I was there in the morning I hung out inside with my family. hehe -- Kalia was NOT rocking out on the beach... LOL.

    And when Kalia was 2 months old -- we flew to NJ so my husbands family could see the baby. I too, was very nervous about germs and whatnot -- but her doctor knew she was going & he was fine with it. I traveled with antibacterial wipes & anything that she was near I wiped down (my armrests, my seat, the fold down tray) -- I looked like a maniac, but it's what I wanted & (like I said earlier) MAMA KNOWS BEST. But everything went fine.

    I'm not trying to change your mind -- everything you are reading is RIGHT. I just wanted to let you know how things worked out for me. You need to do what YOU feel is right...


  2. This mama happens to kind of hate the beach, and Im not a huge fan of beach week either. I start my summer session of school that week too, and Im really not up for missing my first day of class.

    If she would be a little older I would probably consider it, and maybe if we lived in Florida. We will have to obviously come down eventually, but my first trip will NOT be to the beach, yuck! Miserable mama makes for miserable baby haha.

    I wish i liked the beach, would make me want to go but..Yuck, anything more than an hour for me at the beach is too much.
