Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ultrasound Day!

Quote of The Day-

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living." 

Yay today was another ultrasound day. I drug myself out of bed at 745am just to be ready in time. We waited outside of the office for like 10 minutes because the office ladies were LATE, ugh! Then we waited in the waiting room for about half an hour because the ultrasound tech was LATE, come on people! I hate that I am an early person and everyone else has NO IDEA how to be on time!

The ultrasound went great! Evey looks good. She was so adorable she was "talking" to us, moving her lips and wiggling her feet around. Apparently what I thought has been her head bumping into my rips is really her tiny little  bottom. She is already head down, way down!

She weighs around 4.5 pounds. My fluid levels were good, as well as my placenta *yayness*! She looked adorable on the screen, but of course the pictures the lady always prints out are awkward and strange..but oh well.

Oh did I mention, SHE HAS HAIR!!! I had no idea you could even tell that on an ultrasound, but we saw it. No bald baby for us! Now to see if she will have dark hair or light hair. Hopefully somewhere in between Andrew and I. Maybe if we get really lucky, she will have her Daddy's dreamy blue eyes...Hey I can dream!

Picture of the Day- 
Evey Rose Ulsher

I know it might be a challenge to tell but that is her sweet little face! 

Daily French Vocabulary- 

Phrase 3-     I love you

                    Je t'aime

Until Next Time,



  1. Thank goodness I'm not going to have a baldie niece. Maybe her hair will be long enough for barrettes! hahaha! I love all the zoo animal pictures on the side bar

  2. Im glad she has hair! I already have hair bows for her to wear!
